At various points on our web site, we ask for a minimum of personal information about you (typically, an e-mail address).
This is our privacy policy regarding the information we request:
1- We do not share or sell any personally identifiable information about you, including your full name, your e-mail address, or any other personal information you may share with I-Lien. If you use your full name in a comment or testimonial post, it will automatically be posted on the web site, but we do not sell or share the information with third parties. We do not post e-mail addresses.
2- We request e-mail addresses or phone numbers to verify your identity and to have a method to contact you in the event we need to verify information you’ve posted or requested. We do not use it for any other purposes.
3- Should you engage in a private discussion with an employee of I-Lien, we maintain confidentiality regarding the contents of those discussions and do not divulge the contents of those conversations without your express written consent.
4- As an exception to the confidentiality statement, we are required by law to report any statements which we believe in good faith indicate an intent to harm either yourself or a third party, disclose criminal activity, or which we otherwise are required to divulge by law.
Last Update: 10/05/2021